Witt Lining Systems vs. Bonded Linings
Witt Lining Systems’ flexible PVC tank liners offer many advantages over bonded liners. These advantages can provide the benefit of a longer lasting liner system with a lower overall operating cost.
Disadvantages of bonded liners include
- Stress on liner welds and/or adhesive due to differences in expansion rates with the tank itself.
- Adhesive systems limit bonded liner to 145°F maximum temperature.
- Extensive and costly prep time – sandblasting, tank repair, tenting, etc.
- Long installation time and adhesive cure time.
- Requires trained technicians to repair.
Advantages of a Witt drop in tank liner include
- No stress on liner due to differences in co-efficient of expansion.
- Our exclusive material formulations can handle up to 200°F continuous temperature exposure.
- Tank preparation only requires the tank be clean and dry.
- Ready for immediate service as soon as installed.
- Can be installed by your facility personnel.
Witt Lining Systems’ tank liners offer all of the above advantages over bonded tank liners. The benefit to you is a longer lasting tank liner with a lower overall operating cost.